There are so many people who are inspired by Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night. It’s no surprise really since it’s such a beautiful painting. The last time I wrote about it was when someone recreated Starry Night in bacon. Even though that interpretation looks deliciously tasty, this one is a tad bit more sophisticated and fun, in a geeky kind of way.
Petros Vrellis created his own tribute to Starry Night by making an interactive, musical animation that beautifully flows and looks almost magical. The touchscreen allows the user to manipulate the image and the synthesized sound. When the user stops touching the image, it returns to its original shape.
Petros used openFrameworks to create this visualization, and there are about 80,000 particles which move around with a fluid-like algorithm. This is truly stunning, and it’s one of those things that I wish I could experience first hand. These pictures don’t do it justice; you really have to see the video to get the full effect. Even the music is a perfect complement to the visual experience. You can read more about how he created this by going to Creative Applications Network. Brilliant!
Via: [Geekosystem]