The Art Of Replicating Stonehenge With Cars

Being an artist today must not be very easy. The tools at an artist’s disposal are more technological than ever before, and the competition is sharp as a ninja sword. You literally have to come up with something that is incredibly out there in order to pull off a viral effect on the Internet. Accomplishing a viral effect outside the Internet is probably an endeavor that is too hard to orchestrate, which I think is why the Internet is the ultimate place to share your creations if you are an artist. But just what exactly could you come up with in order to make something that is not only unearthly, but manageable too?

Well, if your name is Tommy Gun, and if you have a few cars at your disposal, you would know exactly what to do with them. How about a replica of Stonehenge entirely created from used banged up cars? It sounds like a simple and normal project and all, right? It actually took Tommy and his co-workers about 3 months to complete this massive 36-ton build, which is not only stunning, but it will make you wonder how the heck the real Stonehenge was built around 2700 BC.

When you look at this and start taking it in, you’ll see it’s not exactly the most gracious of art pieces. However, it is most likely a one of a kind view that you most certainly haven’t seen before, right? I guess it would be safe to say that Tommy and his co-workers have created something that is quite unique and obviously worthy of your time if you have the opportunity to go and check this out. If this is how Tommy is going to continue to impress us, then I am sure we’ll hear a lot more about him in the near future.






Via: [My Modern Met]