The Great Britain Olympic Team Recreated In Lego Minifigs

I’ve heard people say before that the pinnacle of success would be to have a Barbie doll or action figure created to look like you and sold in stores around the world. I can see how that might be the ultimate ego trip for some people, but personally, that’s not geek enough for me. I think it would be waaaay better to have a Lego minifig created in your liking. Now that is what I call success. Can you even imagine what that would be like?

The Great Britain Olympic team knows what that’s like since there is a series of 9 different Lego minifigs being released next month which look just like them. Of course, this is all in celebration of the 2012 London Olympics.

I have good news and bad news about this. The good news is that each one is so cute you are going to want the entire set, and they are selling for just over $3 each. The bad news is that they will only be available in the UK. Boo-hoo. Each one has a name too. There is the Brawny Boxer, the Stealth Swimmer, the Relay Runner, the Judo Fighter, the Tactical Tennis Player, the Flexible Gymnast, the Wondrous Weightlifter, the Horseback Rider and the Agile Archer. If you go to Toys N Bricks, you can read the little description for each one. Of all the things I’ve seen companies create to celebrate the London Olympics, this one is my favorite so far. If you want to see how McDonald’s is celebrating, click here.








