World’s Most Photorealistic Paintings Ever Created

The ever increasing quality in the way computers are able to render graphics is somewhat mind boggling when you think about it. With a fairly cheap computer, you can today create graphics that are almost a complete match to what you see in the real world. Sure, rendering it in real time is of course still a hardware intensive task, but for each day that goes by the graphics cards get better and cheaper. I am a big fan of this way of portraying our reality. It gives the artist a way to incorporate his or her imagination into a reality that most of us have come to take for granted. It gives us a way to see things from a new perspective, if you know what I mean.

However, when it comes to more conventional artwork like paintings, we are still pushing along based on skills and dedication. There are paintings out there that certainly have become quite famous for their mystery and their way of portraying reality in weird ways, such as Picasso for example. But it is when you look at the painted oil artwork by artist Pedro Campos that your head starts spinning in doubt and disbelief.

His art, created using just a canvas, oil paint and paint brushes, has to be the world’s most photorealistic pieces ever created. They are so lifelike that you almost start to believe it’s all a huge ploy. It’s like a joke on your eyeballs that just wants to poke fun on your eagerness to believe it’s real. But, it is real, very much so in fact. If you could even spot a single flaw in this, I would give you huge props for it. I have myself been pouring over these paintings trying to either write them off as real photos or just, in some way, find a flaw that makes them fit into my pattern of believing these are somehow fake or flawed. But no, I haven’t been able to find anything that would even begin to debunk the authenticity of these oil paintings. This is my first article of the day, and it is still spinning my reality like a carousel in a theme park.















Via: [UFunk – French]