Ethics As A Method Of Communication In Casinos

The modern gambling market knows no boundaries, so in the walls of gambling establishments often meet representatives of different countries and cultures. As a result, there can be dramatic differences in mentality even among visitors who speak the same language. Therefore, guests should be united not only by the rules of the game but also by ethical norms.

Ethics in this case occupies the basis in a full-fledged “player-staff” and “player-player” communication. Ignorance or neglect of ethical rules can provoke misunderstandings and false attitudes about the situation.

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Basic Ethics Rules

Some rules, taken from everyday life, may be especially important in a gambling establishment setting.

  1. When a customer sits down at a poker game and decides to make a big bet, the level of value of what’s going on is multiplied, and from that point on, stress tolerance also plays an important role. Ethics at the poker table will help to save money because it implies restraint in emotions, gestures, and facial expressions. In other words, it’s not about “Poker face” through force, but about refraining from particularly harsh comments to the dealer or your opponent.
  2. It’s not recommended to rush your opponent at the table or to give him a specific time in which you need to make a bet, for example. Otherwise, it would be perceived as an element of pressure, which is taken very seriously when there is a lot of money involved in the game.
  3. It is necessary to come out of the drawing correctly, warning about it in advance. In each particular institution it is recommended to clarify the so-called hit-and-run – the case when, after the bank in large amounts, the player immediately leaves from the gaming table. The best option would be a warning of leaving during the draw in the last round of bets when there are still 20 minutes of play.
  4. In some casinos, a reprimand may follow if the player went to his seat at the dealer’s side. It is also considered mauvais ton if one of the guests looks behind the back of another, or came too close to the back. Such behavior can be regarded as cheating and banal peeping into other people’s cards.
  5. When playing slots, you should not take a seat with someone else’s stuff on it.
  6. It is important to remember that some casinos presuppose a gesture system in the course of the game. In order not to get into an embarrassment and not to slow down the process, it is better to read the rules in advance.
  7. Some croupiers disapprove of players who, after dealt cards, take them not one hand, but two. Particularly anxious guests may consider this to be cheating and make claims.
  8. It is worth caution when taking advice in a gambling environment. At a minimum, a person may think he or she is being belittled because of the advice given. At most, if the advice is taken and followed by a loss, accusations can be directed at the advisor. It is important to approach the matter responsibly. The most appropriate thing to do is to ask beforehand if it is okay to make a recommendation regarding the game.

In many ways, the principles of ethics are the same and carried over into the gambling business from everyday life, in which you also don’t take a seat in the transport if someone else’s thing is lying there, or look into someone else’s smartphone when you have to stand around.

When visiting a casino in Europe or Asia, one should adhere to the norms of the local culture so as not to provoke a conflict situation. Even if the native does not understand the foreigner’s language, there is always a better chance that he will accept the guest positively if he shows him that he knows and supports the local norms of behavior.

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