Facebook’s Theme Song Shows Us Just How Crazy We Are

In the beginning, there will be a tsunami of people who will invest in Facebook when the IPO is launched. People have started to look closely at Facebook as a business, if that is even possible. They thoroughly check and read up on pretty much everything. It’s good to know what you put your money into, and that is something that is going to be the main focus for the next few months for investors I take it. However, one thing they seem to forget is to look into the numbers when it comes to fanatic Facebook users. These are the people who log into Facebook an obscene amount of times each day and totally get lost in all their likes, pokes and status updates. They are the ones who drive Facebook forward.

So just how crazy have we all become when it comes to Facebook and what has Facebook done for us more than strip away all of our free time? For some people, work has even been degraded to second place on the priority list, even when they are at the office. This question could best be answered by Daniel Koren and his 10 cloned buddies who’ve formed the Koren Ensamble. Daniel, who is a musician, has put together what could possibly become the new Facebook theme song.

It depicts the ultimate madness that is slowly infecting us all when we use this highly addicting social networking service. If you have ever wondered just how nuts we are all becoming, and if you want to know exactly why that is, just have a listen to this song and you’ll definitely understand. I think all the pokes, likes and updates are starting to affect me since I think this thing is truly amusing. I like how he harmonized the melody in this short but intense little jingle. Let the madness roam free! After all, we only live once, and it’s time to let the crazy take control over us for just a day or so. Well on second thought, maybe cutting down on our Facebook usage is a better idea.


Via: [Neatorama]