It seems like everyone is talking about them. We even watch every single movie about them. The game industry is taking them on like they were the next big thing, and in some ways they are. After all, they are immortal. Well, maybe not immortal, but already dead. I am of course talking about zombies. They are the spoof, concern and research topic of this day and age. Some scientists have gone as far as trying to medically research whether or not zombies could ever exist in real life.
The result is quite astounding, and it turns out that with a certain medical substance and the right circumstances, there could actually be zombies. The zombies wouldn’t be living dead; however, they would be unconscious humans in a state where they would still function as real humans. I think it was Wired that did a huge piece about this not too long ago. The fact remains, if there are to be zombies of any kind, I sure would like a place where I could stick my head and keep cool until they are all… well, gone.
So what could possibly hold back an entire army of zombies from getting to you to pop your brains and have themselves a meal? Well, there are a few locations around the world that might strike you as odd; however, they will most certainly keep you safe. It’s amazing what a few tons of concrete can do to keep you safe from harm. Just add a little bit of engineering to some creative designs, and you have yourself an incorporated monument if those pesky boneheads were ever to find their way to you.
When I think about it, I would much rather stick around the NASA launch range so I could take the last rocket out as a last resort. I mean, I would find it highly unlikely that there were to be any zombies on the moon. Sure, I wouldn’t live very long, but at least I would see earth for the beautiful planet it once was before the oxygen finally ran out. Frozen in time but with my brains intact would still be way better than to be captured in one of these concrete tombs where my brains would surely be the feast of the day for some zombie once the concrete deteriorated. After all, they live forever.
Via: [9Gag]