Have you noticed that Post-It notes have become really popular over the past few years, but not for taking notes? It seems those colorful little sheets of sticky paper make a great material for artists, and we’ve featured a lot of fun art installations made from or inspired by Post-It notes. I think it has a lot to do with the colors. I don’t remember Post-It notes being this much fun when they were all just that bland yellow color years ago.
Apparently there is a new global trend involving Post-It notes, and I like it! Since I don’t think it officially has a name yet, I’ll call it sticky note window art. Apparently it started in Paris in July. One bored person stuck in an office, one lazy summer afternoon and one dose of creativity magically combined and this global sticky note window art trend was born.
Each Post-It note represents a pixel. Soon the office building across the street had them, then the office buildings in other cities in France, then suddenly Post-It notes could be found on office building windows all around the world. This isn’t just any art either; it’s the stuff the ’80s are made of like Space Invaders, Pac-Man and Saturday morning cartoons. Of course, there is one design which doesn’t fit the theme of the rest, and it’s my favorite. It’s the pink sticky note high heel shoes in Belgium. You can click over to kuriositas to see a ton more pictures!



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Via: [kuriositas]