Geeks have always been heavily dedicated to whatever they are interested in. Their way of achieving goals is to go for it and never stop. If someone were to tell them it’s impossible, they simply don’t listen. It’s like they are immune to the negative thought patterns of the ordinary world. However, if you think it’s an easy path, you are ultimate wrong. It has been proven time and time again that dedication can easily lead to addiction. If am not talking about the addiction of different kinds of substances, but merely the abuse of an idea that has to come true.
Geeks (there are many different kinds of geeks) have a tendency to take it to the next level while forgetting to ever hit the stop button. Instead of stopping when the ordinary chores of life are knocking on the door, they tend to find a solution to overcome the time sink. A while ago, I came up with a saying that I have ever since kept in my mind to make sure I stay on track. That saying has always served me well. The trick is really to make sure you use it when necessary, and not in every possible situation like some geeks tend to do. It goes:
“It’s easy to make a change if the change makes it easier.”
I am sure you have, at least once in your life, stumbled upon people who truly innovate their time optimizing and become somewhat unaware of time and space. It’s like they are completely enclosed in this bubble where they can just do their thing, and do it well. It’s quite inspiring, but entering that stage of dedication is probably the closest you can come without calling it addiction. It’s when you take it further than that that you really know you have some issues to work out.
I have scoured the Internet for such situations, even though some are of course fake, to somewhat shed some light over what I mean. These are situations that call for their ultimate attention, however that attention seems to be completely overshadowed by the mere fact that they have a computer in front of them. The need to “compute” is higher than the degradation of their pride. To sum it up, I would say that being dedicated is as healthy and inspiring as a couple of weeks of good sleep. It is when dedication becomes an addiction that things start to deteriorate quite quickly and will send you straight to the halls of complete and utter darkness. All you will have left is your ones and zeros. And for whatever reason you might think this is a good thing, but let me tell you, it’s not.