During times like these when the summer heat is almost unbearable, we tend to want something that will sooth our thirst. In most cases, when we are on a vacation, for example, we go for a cold beer. It’s like the magic bond that these two things have together automatically triggers a -“I must have beer!” mentality in your brain when the sun is gazing upon our master dome.
Then you start thinking, “OMG, what about my table? Will I spill on it? What if I do?” Well, believe it or not… there are actually people out there that think this is the worst thing that could happen to them. Most of us would simply get a paper towel, wipe it off and go back to our merry smiley selves. However, for those that actually think this is a potential day ruiner, this is definitely for them.
Designer James Thompson of Black Badger Advanced Composites has designed and manufactured a truly mesmerizing coaster which could be yours for the humble price of $250 each. It’s made out of solid Titanium and aerospace-grade carbon fiber. Of course, it’s a limited edition thing, only 35 of them will be made. Each one is laser etched with its own number in the series. So, if you want one, I suggest you hurry. They are likely to go quite fast. People like beer you know.