A Geek’s Dream Come True | Star Wars Lightsaber Flashmob

I own several Star Wars lightsabers; some even light up and make that cool noise. I know, they are toys. I know, they are for kids. I’m a geek, and I don’t care what anyone says, all geeks should own a lightsaber. They are just so cool. If you ever needed a reason to justify why you have one, here it is…

Thanks to a tweet from @kim, @iamkhayyam and @paul_steele, I got to see this video below from the Star Wars Lightsaber Flashmob which took place this past weekend inside Bristols Cabot Circus, a mall in Bristol, England.

I’m always fascinated by how these flashmobs are organized. This particular one only had 100 people, yet it is still being advertised as the world’s largest lightsaber battle, and I’m sure they are probably right. But think about it, could you even get 100 people to show up at the same time and place, with a prop, to do a particular action? It’s no easy feat. I wrote an article about this a while back: How To: Start a Flashmob

This Star Wars flashmob was mostly organized by Tom Merchant-Locke, Daniel Morgan Jones and Liam Penn. I would love to get some more info on exactly how they did it. Apparently they mostly used Facebook. I also found this on the web which I’m sure attracted some participants: https://tribes.tribe.net/flashmob

Check out the dude with the aluminum foil lightsaber. Nice!

Thanks http://www.geekologie.com, for the info and the education.