Everything you see in commercials when it comes to Star Wars has gone through a wide range of consideration processes over at the George Lucas ranch. Even though something looks, feels and is totally mind blowing, it doesn’t mean that it fits in with the trajectory that George Lucas had or has in mind for the Star Wars franchise. Everything is carefully planned, and if there is the slightest doubt that it won’t add to the brand, well then it’s tossed out the window and something else is pulled up. As you might have guessed, there are a lot of products that had everything to do with Star Wars, but they never had the chance to see the light of day. Why? Only the minds over at the Lucas camp know the answer to that question.
Today I stumbled over some really awesome Star Wars products that were actually brought into the real world by the company itself, but only on paper. These products, no matter how awesome they might look now, were never approved, so they were destined for the shelves or the trash bins over at the conceptual office of Lucasfilm. Some of these are actually quite awesome, if I may say so myself. Take the Jabba The Hut Beanbag Chair for example. How awesome and spot on is that thing!
I don’t know if any of these will ever come into a store near you, or if they are destined to be rejects for the rest of their natural conceptual life. But one thing is for sure, and that is that these ideas are definitely off the hook and deserve at least a few minutes in the spotlight. I think every Star Wars fan will agree with me when I say that George Lucas should definitely go over these conceptual drawings one more time and maybe pick a few to actually become real products. The Star Wars community is thriving and needs more awesomeness from the headquarters of a galaxy far, far away.
Via: [Caveman Circus] [Action Figure Insider]