A New Tasty Snack: Crunchy Oven Baked Tarantulas

When I was younger, I had the unpleasant experience of swallowing a bug.  I must say, it was gross!  Imagine the feeling of biting into one and feeling the crunch of its hairy legs in your mouth.  Ewwwww!  That was a long time ago, and even now when I think about it, it gives me goosebumps.  I have watched a lot of shows that feature people and chefs who actually enjoy eating and preparing exotic, unusual foods.

These exotic foods can include insects, worms, live baby octopus, etc..  I often times wonder why they enjoy these delicacies, but come to think of it, I enjoy sushi and sashimi raw fish, oysters and even Carpaccio.  These foods are now mainstream because of the many restaurants that serve them daily.  Now, for those with extra adventurous palates, there are these crunchy, crispy and finger lickin’ good Oven Baked Tarantulas. This unusual treat is available at Think Geek.  Imagine, for $19.99, you can now enjoy this delicacy from Cambodia.  And, for those who worry about the preservation of the species, this product is collected from monitored sources.  However, if you are going to eat them, remember to remove the fangs first before you bite into them.

Think Geek Edible Tarantula