Beer Can Furniture: When Life Continues To Be A Party

The recycling community out there is always fresh, and they take whatever is at their disposal and they create new things with it. It’s the ultimate way to be creative, and the outcome is usually something that everyone just has to take a peek at. Recycled art is sometimes even more awesome than it actually appears at first. The reason for that is because usually the artist doesn’t acquire all the necessary materials him or herself, but actually collects it from some place before starting the planned project. It is when the materials are acquired that the real way these recycled bits of artwork are created is truly something to check out.

That is exactly the case when it comes to the awesome beer furniture that Neokentin created. It’s basically a chair and a table created out of 353 beer cans, all joined together. For the people who don’t know how much beer that actually is, I can tell you that 176.5 litres of it has to be consumed before you’d have enough cans to pull these builds off. For the people who measure everything in weight, it would be equivalent to about 5.5 kg of beer cans.

The question I would like to ask Neokentin is actually how durable these furniture pieces are. I mean, if you sit on it, will it hold or will the cans crumble beneath the weight of the person sitting there? I am quite aware of the weight factor, and how it effects the cans, so maybe a really light person can jump on it without it even budging. Apparently the person sitting on it seems quite normal, so I take it that it’s pretty durable. So if you have a taste for beer and drink a lot of it, maybe this is something for you.

Recycled Beer Can Furniture Builds

Recycled Beer Can Furniture Builds

Recycled Beer Can Furniture Builds