Gaming Injuries: It’s A Dangerous Business

We’ve all been there and had sleepless nights in front of the screen playing away on our favorite games nonstop. We’re determined and fanatical about reaching the next level, and then the next, and so on. We take it so seriously that we forget time and space, and sometimes we go overboard trying to make the impossible possible. It happens on a daily basis around the world, and it is not very healthy behavior. However, we don’t care, and the worst gaming geeks are even taking it further than that by consuming heavy quantities of energy drinks and doing pretty much anything that will keep them awake for just a few more hours.

What they don’t know is that there are serious health issues that will spawn from such living. It might not happen immediately, but it will in time if this is kept up for a longer period of time. There are of course other injuries and diseases that you can attract if you’re not careful. To get a better glimpse into the world of gaming injuries and diseases, photographers Matteo Bittanti and Kenzie Burchell documented the health risks when over consuming the good ole arcade awesomeness.

By the looks of it, it’s as serious as any other disease. You could even sustain lifelong health issues that you will have to maintain and take care of which might keep you from playing any kind of computer game ever again. It’s like our parents say, anything used in excessive amounts is likely to harm us. It’s true to the very essence of the words themselves, so be aware and take it easy because there is always a tomorrow (if you keep your gaming on a normal level) when you can still kick some royal Super Mario booty.

Arcade Gaming Injuries And Diseases

Arcade Gaming Injuries And Diseases

Arcade Gaming Injuries And Diseases

Arcade Gaming Injuries And Diseases

Arcade Gaming Injuries And Diseases

Arcade Gaming Injuries And Diseases

Arcade Gaming Injuries And Diseases

Arcade Gaming Injuries And Diseases