Geek Girls Rule: 12 Complete Outfits Inspired By Video Games

We’ve touched on the masculinity of video game heroes many times before. There are a few powerful female video game heroines out there, but the majority of the strong characters are male. Why is that? Since I’m a girl who loves video games, and since even to this day I wear t-shirts with video game characters on them, people usually call me a tomboy. I’m a tomboy because I like video games? Why are they associated with the male gender in the first place? These are questions I’ve asked myself many times. Geek girls, this article is for you.

I received an email yesterday from a woman named Claire who teaches creative writing at a university in Minnesota. She’s been following Bit Rebels for a while, and since she knows we love geek girl fashions, she shared an artist with us who also addresses some of these gender questions. Robin of Robinade (aka Amanda) is a 25-year-old video game lover. She wanted to make a unique statement about the masculinity of typical video game heroes, so she created this very special series of illustrations. She took each male hero and transformed him into a kickass geek girl fashion statement. Nice!

Now the question is…Do you know the names of all these video game heroes? I knew most of them, but I definitely didn’t get them all right. You can find out the answers by hovering over each one with your mouse here on Big Fish Games. Amanda worked with Claire’s son to create the poster you see below which will be featured at Geek Girl Con 2012 which is this weekend in Seattle. I think it would be awesome if suddenly females overtook the gaming community for a while. Geek girls rule! You can learn more about Amanda on her website or her Etsy store. Her Avengers dresses were also featured on Huffington Post!

Male Video Game Heroes Transformed Into Geek Girl Fashions

(click images to slightly enlarge)














Via: [Big Fish Games] Image Credits: [Robin of Robinade]