Everyone knows that the bigger the diamond, the happier the girl. Well, that’s the assumption really. Of course it is a nice gesture to be able to buy your loved one a ring that will put her friends in “awe” mode if you can afford it. The carat of a diamond is what sets the rings apart, and the ring that holds the biggest diamond gets all the attention right? Well, that used to be the case until now.
The National Design Collective has come up with something even more… useful. It’s a ring alright, but probably not the ring you would have in mind for your girl when proposing to her. The rings are simply named M3 and M4 and have some rather interesting design features that I am sure would appeal to any geek, at least if you want to stand out for a day or two.
It is basically a ring with a screw in it instead of a diamond. The ring comes in Sterling silver and the screw is removable if you should find yourself in the unlikely scenario of needing a screw of that exact size and design. Delivered in a wooden box with geek written all over it, I am sure it would put sparks in any geek girl’s heart, at least for a brief moment. Hey, nothing lasts forever right? Well, diamonds do, so maybe you should cough up the money for one of those instead…