LEGO Controller For Nintendo NES That Actually Works

The creativity of LEGO builders has always immensely impressed me. Their ability to create things out of blocks that actually work sometimes borders on the insane. I mean, how on earth are you able to take all the intricate technology in a gadget and convert it into an analog system? It’s beyond me how these people are able to implement advanced electronics into things that pretty much everyone else knows as just simple plastic blocks. No wonder some LEGO builds go viral on the Internet. It would literally take me days to list all the cool things made out of LEGO that have been put up on the Internet over the last couple of years. One thing that should make people’s jaws drop is of course this giant LEGO controller for Nintendo NES which actually works.

Master builder and LEGO enthusiast Baron von Brunk really knows how to impress his LEGO fans. Baron recently went all out trying to build a working Nintendo NES LEGO controller with which he could play Super Mario. Boy did he succeed! The build measures 5 feet and is a masterpiece to behold. It took Baron thousands of LEGO blocks just to complete the project.

The end result is both mind-boggling as well as intriguingly realistic. The LEGO controller project is explained in almost insane detail over at Baron von Brunk’s project website. The insane number of pictures and descriptions for how he managed to pull off this mammoth task will in itself impress any geek. I strongly urge you to have a look at it since it will completely describe this LEGO controller from its exterior to the intricate electronic wiring on the interior. I would totally want to try this out. I have previously written about the working giant Nintendo NES controller coffee table, but it’s not nearly as impressive as this LEGO controller, which took several months to complete. Gaming on a LEGO controller has never been so much fun, or so I think.

Baron von Brunk’s Working LEGO Controller

(Click Images To Enlarge)




