Try to keep a distant perspective to design for a second, then imagine what you previously didn’t think was possible or even comprehensible. When you have come that far, you have pretty much entered the interesting landscape of the many unusual designs that are being created as we speak. I am not talking about web, posters or any other kind of design that might be aimed at the general design community. I am talking about the odd and wonderful community of the mainstream weirdness that keeps being thought up each and every day. They too have a pretty cool and quite fantastic way of getting their creativity out.
New Era Introducing is a design project aimed to take an ordinary cap and design it the way you want it to look. It’s somewhat of a competition, and at the end of it, we will see every conceivable design presented in a book. So far I am sure that there have been hundreds of different designs submitted, and below you have a few represented. As you can see, the overall theme is just about anything that you have never seen on a cap before.
Which one would you wear to work? What kind of cap would make you stand out in the crowd? Which one would you actually consider wearing if you had to choose one of them? There are of course many questions that I think anyone would feel compelled to answer if wearing one of these, even though we know that will probably never happen. The moss or landscape one is a pretty interesting design, but every single one of them has a unique approach to it. The question is, how the heck would you pick a winner? I mean, there are so many of them, and they are all quite creative, so how would you define a winner? Even that is weird… but I love it!