According to reports in Jezebel, the Times Online and many other news, entertainment and fashion sources in the past few days, there is a new fashion that is all the rage – high heels for men. My wonderful gay friends have been wearing heels for years, but the new fashion is about high heels for straight men.
Call me crazy, but I’ve noticed heels on men for years, I don’t really see what is so new about this. Maybe I’ve spent too much time in Dallas, Texas where men in cowboy boots with two or three-inch heels are the norm.
What about the classic example of a man in heels – Prince? We’ve all seen his heels, and boy does he wear them nicely, right? Today I saw a photograph of Robert Downey, Jr. in a pair of boots with a big chunky heel and it looked so stylish. Even designer Marc Jacobs admits to wearing heels every now and then. I think I could really get into this trend. What do you think about it? Just for fun, if you would like to read some other reports about this, check out: Jezebel, Times Online, Hindustan Times and The Times of India just to name a few.