Nintendo Game Boy Cartridges Redesigned As Apple, Skype & More

There’s no doubt that writing about retro gadgets from the ’80s and ’90s is fun, but when artists and designers are able to take those things and spice them up with a flavor of newness, it takes it all to a whole new level. When it’s done well, like this, the design will make you wish it was real in every way. If you had a Game Boy back in the day, you probably remember how special it was, or at least mine was to me. It was the first time I experienced real handheld gaming. I wish I still had my Game Boy, but unfortunately, it got lost over the years. Those Nintendo Game Boy cartridges were a big deal back then. Even today, whenever I see a cartridge for a Nintento DSi, I think about the original Nintendo Game Boy cartridges.

The Japanese designer on the blog 3liter decided to take those old Nintendo Game Boy cartridges and redesign them into something new. He or she created games for Apple, Skype, YouTube and SoundCloud. Talk about mixing the past and the present…This will almost give you a brain freeze for a moment. Back in those days, I had only heard of Apple a few times. Skype, YouTube and SoundCloud didn’t even exist. Just for the fun of it, it would be great to see some Nintendo Game Boy cartridges designed for Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook too.

This all makes me wish I could mess around with a Game Boy today. I’m sure there are all kinds of fun things it could be turned into. If you want to see some more redesigned Game Boy nostalgia, check out this Game Boy Mini Watch and this Game Boy Zombie Mod. I suddenly wanna play Skype and Apple. I wonder what those games would be like. I love this kind of retro creativity!

Updated Nintendo Game Boy Cartridges

(Click Images To Enlarge)





Via: [thaeger]