When geeks get creative the most wonderful things can happen. It doesn’t always happen, but it does quite often, even if I may say so myself. A geek’s creativity might not speak to the overall general population, but it’s evident that their brainchildren usually make a high impact on social media services such as Digg, StumbleUpon and of course You Tube. The subject of geekification is, of course, up to each and every geek to decide, but there is a clear trend in focal points like Lego, 8-bit and retrofication of everything that geeks held dear back in the ’80s.
Usually when I stumble over something I reflect over it for a little while trying to put myself in the mindset of a Bit Rebels reader. I ask myself if I would want to read about something like what I just found. Of course it is impossible to know for sure, but it usually helps when looking for something that will at least spark some interest. There is a pop punk band here in Sweden called Ninja Moped which house the enormously creative geeks Daniel Larsson and Tomas Redigh. The band was previously named Rymdreglage, however they changed it for whatever reason. Their approach as a band is to create ultra geeky videos for their songs in order to tap into the viral benefits of the Internet.
As far as I know, it’s working well and they have built up quite a fan base which they continuously reveal new material to. To show you exactly what they are all about, you have to take a look at their awesome stop motion Lego music video for one of their old songs called “8-Bit Trip.” The build time for this piece of artwork must have been super extensive, and sometimes it’s unclear what is really Lego and what is not. It’s true geekification for sure!