Superheroes At Home: Their Life Between The Deeds

We’re all familiar with superheroes, and they are showing up more frequently in our lives. Maybe not in reality but definitely on the silver screen. There are movies being released almost weekly with some kind of superhero connection it seems. The odd thing is that usually we don’t really get to see what they are really like when they are not in costume battling the evil in the world.

It’s kind of sad because that would certainly make the movies a lot more interesting. It might even make them a little more comedy-like, if you know what I mean. Who wouldn’t want to see Batman making sure there is milk in the fridge or check out Superman going to the bank to deposit his latest paycheck. Well, I think these scenarios have somewhat been covered, but there is of course a lot more that could be shown about the life of a superhero.

As it unfolds, there is someone out there dedicated to this particular idea, and his name is Gregg Segal, a renowned photographer who is definitely gaining fans with his new series of photos called “Superheroes At Home.” As you might have figured out, the series covers a number of superheroes in their daily chores, and you can tell it’s not really what they would like to be doing. But if you want to play the game, you have to stay the same as some people say.

You’re hit with a smile as soon as you start looking at these images because there is so much in them that will catch your attention instantly. The busy pictures let you know that we are all the same, superheroes or not. We all like to stock up on our favorite things, or at least that’s what it looks like. The one thing I didn’t know is that they are pretty full of themselves, especially Superman. Who would have thought, right?

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series

Superheroes At Home Photo Series