It’s hard to imagine life without the Internet or social media. Those things are so integrated into our daily lives that they sometimes seem as important as electricity and water. One of the things that shows the age of the superheroes we know and love is the fact that they didn’t have access to the Internet or social media. Imagine how different those comic books would look if they were living in the modern world. What would it be like if they had social media problems?
If Superman lived today, I wonder if he would use a GPS to help him navigate the skies. I also wonder if he would post pictures on his Facebook page. He probably wouldn’t since he’s always seemed shy and introverted. One thing is for sure, if Superman was alive today, he would definitely have to deal with some of the same Internet and social media problems that other people deal with. He would probably have an assistant to handle all that for him.
College Humor recently created five Superman funnies to illustrate what it would be like if Superman had to deal with modern day social media problems. You’ll get to see him grapple with Twitter addiction, some curious redditors, a fake Twitter account and even privacy issues pertaining to Google Earth. As always, College Humor gets it just right.
I imagine if the Justice League superheroes were alive today, they would have a unified Facebook page and Twitter account. They would probably also avoid Google Glass and any other facial recognition enabled devices since those would blow their covers immediately. It’s nice to see such classics incorporated with our modern world. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did!
If Superman Had To Deal With Internet & Social Media Problems…
Via: [Design Taxi]