The New Pop Tarts World Features Pop Tart Sushi!

Yesterday I wrote an article about some very creative, mouth-watering pop tarts on a stick. After that article published, one of my Twitter friends sent me another crazy cool pop tart concoction that is definitely worth sharing with you.

This is “Pop Tart Sushi.” It is made from three flavors of pop tarts minced together and wrapped in a fruit roll-up. Then it is cut up to look like little rolls of sushi. This pop tart creation along with others including pop tart s’mores, cookies and pies can be found on the creative menu at Pop Tarts World, a new bakery that opened in Times Square last month.

They even have “Ants on a Log” which is a crumbled grape pop tart sprinkled over peanut butter on celery sticks. This new store also has a digital vending machine stocked with traditional pop tart favorites. To make this even more tempting, you’ll be happy to know that Pop Tarts World is located next to Hershey’s and the M&M store. Yummy!

[via dnainfo]