The REAL Back Side Of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube And More…

Have you ever spent days on end lurking around the forest of videos on YouTube or even ferociously hacking away at characters on Twitter and Facebook? I have. These social media services all have one thing in common, they are heavily addicting. Society is coming up with all kinds of rules and regulations to monitor the use of these services not only at our work but at our homes. Usually it’s teens who are the subject of censorship at home; however, at work it’s very common that employers have blocked access to social networking services. This can be annoying if that’s your only means to communicate with your friends during the day, and if you are unable to connect to those sites (which I’m not saying you should do from work, but if…). There are of course ways around this, but I am not going to be talking about that here.

Nope, I am going to talk about the back sides of these famous websites. What’s funny is that when I say that, I don’t mean it in the negative sense of the words. I mean, the real back sides of these websites, literally. The creative mind(s) over at Back Of A Webpage put together a series of really well done imagery that will help you understand what’s happening on the back side of your screen when you are using any of these services. Not only will it give you the ultimate understanding for why something may go wrong from time to time (yeah, there’s an explanation for everything), but it will also give you your daily laugh and a giggle since these are phenomenally well thought out.

The genius design approach includes Facebook, Google, Apple, YouTube, Twitter and of course Flickr. The hilarious nature of these images got me off to a happy start to my day. I can imagine there are several new ones being thought up and designed as we speak. I have always found it quite interesting how people imagine what makes a website work, and this should really be a lesson for everyone who doesn’t want to go into the mechanics of everything. This is, by far, the most perfect way to describe it all. There is no need to be all geeky and informative all the time. This is at least how I would want websites to work. It would make designing them so much more fun and interesting than poking around in code and laying out directions of designs. It’s brilliantly executed for sure! For a bit more interactive previews please visit Back Of A Webpage.

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The Back Side Of Websites

The Back Side Of Websites

The Back Side Of Websites

The Back Side Of Websites

The Back Side Of Websites

The Back Side Of Websites