If you are into everything Lord of The Rings, you are most likely updated on the whole Lego thing as well. Wait, what? Yeah, Lego announced not too long ago that they are releasing a series of Lord of The Rings Lego figurines sometime during 2012. Every Lego and LOTR fan got ecstatic about it, but the only thing Lego really released was a couple of posters depicting Frodo Baggins holding the ring and a couple of other posters. It’s not too much to get excited about, right? Well, that’s where we were wrong. These posters quickly went viral and could soon be checked out on pretty much every geek website on the web.
Today Lego released another set of images from their upcoming Lego mini figurines, and they look badass. It’s not hard to understand that they are doing all this to ramp up sales before the new movies of the series, The Hobbit, goes up on silver screens around the world. I think we’ll see a landslide of new Lord of The Rings, or The Hobbit rather, Lego builds coming up soon. After all, why not ride the wave of the viral content while it lasts, right?
In these pictures, you can clearly see the characters as Lego figurines, and they are almost all represented. I miss Saruman and Sauron in the bunch. How can you play hero with no villains represented? Maybe that’s what is coming up shortly as well. Usually Lego releases information in batches to keep the hype up a little bit before they launch their stuff. This is definitely one of those sure bets to be a cash cow success for the company. There are a lot of LOTR and Lego fans out there, and this fits right in that pocket. Duh!
Via: [UFunk – French]