13 Vintage Apple Ads That Helped Shape Who We Are Today

I remember back in August when Forbes magazine published an article called Apple Now Most Valuable Company in History. It caused quite a stir online, and people quickly rephrased that a little and started calling Apple the most successful company in history. It doesn’t really matter whether you love or hate Apple because if you look at this from strictly a business perspective, you can’t argue that the people at Apple haven’t done things right for many, many years to get where they are today. Everyone knows their products play a large role in this, but what about the Apple ads?

Apple has time and time again been able to make us perceive that buying their products and shopping at the app store is cool. They actually made paying for music the rad thing to do. I’m not going to lie, when I am holding my sleek, white, shiny iPhone 5 my hand, it makes me feel a little more on my game. I have no idea why that is, but they’ve been able to instill that feeling in a lot of us, and there is a lot we can learn from that. We are at a point in our smartphone evolution where almost all smartphones on the market are a good choice. You really can’t go wrong. Android produces a fabulous product. However, what those companies haven’t been able to do, which Apple has, is to make it trendy and cool to buy their stuff. People make buying decisions based on a lot more than just the products themselves, and there is more to the equation than just creating a great product.

So where do Apple ads fall into the scope of all this? This morning I was on Mac Mothership checking out all the Apple ads from 1976 until today. If you are interested in learning more about how Apple has been able to work their magic into our brains, check out all those Apple ads. It will blow your mind. I had no idea how much education was inserted into the early Apple ads. It’s almost like people learned about what personal computers are and what they can do from those ads. I chose a few of them to share with you here, but to see the full collection of Apple ads, you can click over to Mac Mothership. Oh, and I can’t close this article without saying this – Notice the sexism in these vintage ads. Yeah, it made me giggle.

See More Vintage Apple Ads On Mac Mothership

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