10 Signs And Symptoms Of Emotional And Psychological Trauma

If you are dealing with possible emotional and psychological trauma, it’s important to check out the list of 10 signs and symptoms below. You’ll want to make sure that you get the help you need as soon as possible. If you have experienced a traumatic event, it may be difficult to forget about it.

Especially when you deal with the bad memories of the incident itself. It can also lead to instances where you may undergo physical and mental distress constantly. Don’t let this kind of trauma control your life.

You can control what you can. Let’s take a look now at the following list of signs and symptoms below.

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Desire To Self-Medicate From Pain

Those who have suffered emotional and psychological trauma may find self-medicating as the best solution. Specifically using alcohol or drugs. This is not the best way to handle such pain.

This can lead to abuse and addiction. If you have developed a drug addiction due to trauma, a Houston drug rehab facility can be able to help. You’ll likely have a dual diagnosis, which includes being diagnosed with an addiction and a mental disorder at the same time.

There are treatment options that will allow you to handle both disorders. It’s important to follow these treatments regularly so you can take back control of your life.

Difficulty Sleeping

One of the most common signs with emotional and psychological trauma is having trouble sleeping. You may experience recurring nightmares about the traumatic incident. It can get to a point where you may have difficulty sleeping or deal with insomnia on a regular basis.

Sleep is important for your physical and mental health. It is never a good idea to neglect the need for it. That’s why getting the help you need as soon as possible is key.

Changes In Appetite

You may face changes in your appetite, which can lead to either losing or gaining weight. The latter can be due to stress eating. A lot of people will use food for comfort and to cope with emotional and psychological pain.

For others, they may deal with discomfort in their stomach. They may deal with nausea and vomiting. It can get to a point where they won’t bother eating at all.

As a result, this can lead to weight loss. Dangerous weight loss can lead to adverse physical health issues. Once again, it’s important to never overlook the physical and mental implications of not getting the help you need to deal with your trauma.

Difficulty Concentrating

Whether you are at home or at work, the need to concentrate on a certain task will be hard to fulfill. This is the case when you are dealing with trauma that affects you emotionally and psychologically. If you are dealing with this at work, you’ll want to let someone who is a supervisor know about your situation.

If you are an employer, please note that the mental health of your employees is important. You’ll want to help them out in any way they can if they are dealing with mental issues. Have resources on hand including contact information to local counselors.

Experiencing Flashbacks

Flashbacks to an emotionally and psychologically traumatic event are common. This is where a person will relive the events in their mind. It can lead to an emotional breakdown where they may feel sad or angry.

Expressing your emotions can be healthy. However, it’s important to handle it in other ways. Flashbacks can occur without warning. You may also distance yourself from people, places, or activities that may remind you of the event itself.

Changes In Mood

Changes in mood are common for anyone dealing with this kind of trauma. As mentioned before, they may experience a flashback and change their mood. Which means they can feel sad at a moment’s notice.

Or they can get angry. The most common moods that are present include anxiety, depression, irritability, and anger. These mood changes can occur without warning.

Other people like your friends or family may not be aware of it. So it may be a good idea to disclose your situation with people you trust (and are comfortable with).

Relationship Difficulties

For those dealing with emotional and psychological trauma, it’s common to deal with relationship difficulties. This can include relationships with friends, family, or even a significant other. These issues may arise due to changes in mood or even isolating yourself from activities with groups of people.

At the same time, a person with this kind of trauma may have difficulties with communication and trust. Intimacy issues may arise between a person and their significant other. No one deserves to deal with this kind of issue.

If you get the help you need, a counselor will share with you ideas on how to maintain good relationships. Even if you are dealing with episodes related to your trauma, it’s important to be in control.

Feeling Of Numbness

A person with trauma can lead to them feeling disconnected from their emotions. In other words, they won’t be able to feel anything positive such as pleasure or happiness. If they are in a positive environment, they may not be able to feel uplifted.

If you are feeling this way, now would be a good time to talk to a mental health counselor about the emotional and psychological trauma you’ve been dealing with.

Avoiding Or Being Disinterested In Activities

You may do things that you enjoy doing. When you’re dealing with trauma, you will avoid it and be disinterested with it. It may remind you of the traumatic incident itself.

You may also find yourself isolated from social activities. This can be due to the fact that you may not trust people. It’s common for those who may have been abused physically, mentally, or sexually (among others).

Other Physical Symptoms

You may experience other physical symptoms such as stomach pain, headaches, or even adverse changes in usual physical activity. This can lead to health issues that can get worse over time, if unchecked.

It is important to reach out to a mental health counselor as soon as possible. Preferably someone who specializes in people who are dealing with emotional and psychological trauma.

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