Don’t Suck At Meetings: The Ultimate Guide [Infographic]

I always wondered why some people make such a big deal about starting off their business with an office, interior design and a schedule that doesn’t allow for any creativity at all. By creativity, I mean the way that a person builds up their success by optimizing what and when things are done. What we have learned here at Bit Rebels is that we should never put our schedule in stone since that will limit our creativity to finish up what matters most at any given time. This means that when you find a subject on the to-do list that is better off done right away, you better attend to that specific task. We only have one set scheduled agreement, which is that we have one “must-attend” online meeting every week.

This way, we manage to crush our own time limitations and get more done in each day than what we usually would. I couldn’t even begin to count all the times we have started something, moved on to something else and finished that up, only to come back to finish what was the first priority based on thought, but later became a second priority to something that became highest priority based on results. A meeting is a good way to scope out where you are and where you are heading. In many ways, I think the success of Bit Rebels lies in the flexibility we have behind the scenes. That flexibility always keeps us inspired, and our jobs never get monotone, if you know what I mean.

How do you orchestrate the perfect meeting, whether it is online or in a room full of tired people? Well, first of all, you have to look at the presentation you are going to give to the eager minds of innovation. How can you optimize output and increase input, so to speak? Sales Crunch recently published an infographic that might send you off in the right direction. They have put two and two together, compacted a bunch of data, and with the help of NowSourcing, put it all into one simple and understandable format for you to use. What does it cost you to have a meeting? Why does it suck? How can you make it better? How do you design the right deck for your presentation? It’s all in this infographic, so just push ahead and learn how to become a master presenter of a successful meeting. It’s all in your hands.

Click Infographic To Enlarge
