Ergonomic Tips To Help Reduce Injury In Warehousing

Ergonomic studies seek to understand how people interact with the physical environment in the workplace. It then creates equipment as well as working conditions that are worker-friendly. Therefore, ergonomics endeavors to improve the interaction between people and their physical environment.

It is important to improve the ergonomic conditions of your business premises. It allows you to take care of workplace priorities which include both economic as well as safety.

No one has come up with a formula for ergonomic enhancement. Each workplace comes with its own specific set of factors contributing to material handling as well as lighting. However, workers’ safety needs are general in nature. Here are a couple of tips that would help improve ergonomics in your workplace.

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Engineering Advancements

One of the ways to mitigate muscular-skeletal disorders in a factory is to invest in equipment such as a lift table. Lift tables can be customized to fit the specific work environment. You can even purchase a mobile one if the needs in your factory so demand.

A few additions of equipment such as lift tables in a warehouse/factory can reduce injury or eliminate it altogether. This is because the improvements may boost your workers’ performance thus reducing the possibility of accidents.

It has long been established that workers are more relaxed in an environment that is favorable. If they feel that their safety and comfort is important to you, they will be motivated to perform better. Consequently, your production will go up.

Getting The Workers Involved

Workers must be involved in any exercise that directly affects them. Improvements in the workplace will enhance efficiency especially due to the reduction of injuries. In addition, engineering improvements make work easier and less exhausting for workers.

Workers could be involved in the following ways:

  • Making suggestions on how to further improve material handling
  • Observe their colleagues’ behavior when handling materials and recommending safer methods
  • The adjustment of work practices and schedules such as staying within safe zones
  • Attending workshops in order to be updated on safer ways of material handling

Ergonomic Tips For Safety In The Workplace

The following are the top tips for that will help you place items and buy the right equipment in your plant.

1. The 80/20 Rule

This essentially means that in anything a few are important but many are immaterial. That is 20% and 80% respectively. For instance, the larger part of a problem may be caused by something very trivial.

Any warehouse or factory has products that sell faster than others. This rule suggests that 20% of the product in the factory is picked 80% of the time. Also, 80% of the warehouse product or stock takes up 80% percent of the space.

2. Make Your Power Zone Better Using The 20/80 Rule

The power zone is that area between your shoulders and your knuckle when you are upright. This zone is used by ergonomists to examine manual lifting chores. If you are able to identify your high moving product, the 20% can be strategically placed to better make production efficient.

This allows you to reduce time wasted as orders are picked faster and more efficiently. It also helps to boost the safety of your workers.

3. Portable And Powered Workstations

You can use mobile computer carts to reduce unnecessary movements on foot. Instead of moving back and forth between computers to print materials, you can move it and collect your data in a central place.


You may also consider consulting the experts for conclusive ergonomics safety advice. Ultimately, what you want is a workstation that operates smoothly with little to no risk to the workers. In addition, you want to improve your output and make more profits.

A safe environment will help you to achieve all your business objectives and even surpass them. Investing in the right equipment and putting time-saving operations will help you get to your goals faster.

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