Fashion Designs That Transform Into Emergency Equipment

Do you know what a prepper is? I just learned about this a few days ago. A prepper is a person or group of people who believe that a catastrophe might be coming in the not so distant future (i.e. breakdown of the economy, a terrorist attack, a natural disaster), and they are preparing for it so when it happens, they won’t have to rely on anyone else (or the government) for survival.

Some preppers buy gold and silver coins, some store food and water, and others build underground homes. When I saw these designs below, I thought they might be perfect for all the fashion conscious preppers out there.

These are part of a student project called Safe: Design Takes On Risk. According to the website, it’s “devoted to objects designed to protect body and mind from dangerous or stressful circumstances, and provide a sense of comfort and security.” The students, Alvaro Soto, John Paul Rangel and Justin Blanc, all attend the design and fashion school called Parsons. These designs give the concept of “choosing the right purse in the morning” a whole new meaning. They remind me a little of these bras that transform into emergency face masks.

Handbags Used As Face Masks

Handbags Used As Face Masks

This is a handbag that can be transformed into a face mask. There is also a purse that turns into a trench coat or a life vest, depending on the emergency situation.

Handbags Used As Face Masks

Handbags Used As Armor

This shows some of the different electronics that are used in these sophisticated fashion designs.

Handbags Turned Into Emergency Armor

Handbags Turned Into Emergency Armor

This is called Shelter. It’s a safety box that uses RFID technology to store important health information along with things necessary for leaving fast, like a passport. It can be carried just like an ordinary purse.

Handbags Turned Into Emergency Armor

Handbags Turned Into Armor