If someone were to ask you how to live a happy life, what would you say? Do you live a happy life? I have no idea what I would say, and it would probably end up being something cliché like “be true to yourself.” I see articles circulate a lot in social media that talk about how to live a happy life, but one thing I’ve never seen before is that advice given by a cat. Cats do seem to have it pretty good, so I suppose I’d be willing to take some life advice from one.
Artist Ariel Belziti created this video with his happy cat named Breton. In Breton’s little guide for how to live a happy life, he shows us that it’s really simple to find joy in every day activities. According to this cat, as long as we wake up early, eat properly, stay in shape, be strong, get a drink when we need it, stay clean, meditate, be curious and get plenty of sleep, we’ll be on the right track.
I have to agree with this cat. So many times we go overboard with analyzing this and that, when it all comes down to enjoying the simple things we consistently do each day. My favorite one on this list is to “be curious.” To me, that means being creative and imaginative. I couldn’t live my life without those adjectives in it. I can’t help but giggle about how different this list would be if someone asked a dog how to live a happy life. I’m sure it would include chewing bones and chasing squirrels. Breton, you’re a cute cat, and you seem like you are truly happy. Maybe some of us humans will slow down a little and learn a few things from you.
How To Live A Happy Life In 10 Steps
The Cat’s Guide To Emoticons

Via: [Design Taxi] Image Credits: [Daily Dose of Cute] [My Pets Care and Health]