Hyalase Injection – Why Dissolve Dermal Filler With It?

Dermal fillers are some of the most popular beauty treatments that often leave patients satisfied with the result. Nevertheless, sometimes things don’t work out, and filler injections can act in the wrong way.

Still, cosmetic medicine has a solution to this problem as well. It’s possible to reverse the effect of a dermal filler with Hyalase – a hyaluronidase injection that quickly paved its road from conventional healthcare to the rejuvenation industry as well.

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What Is Hyalase?

Before exploring Hyalase, it’s important to understand the difference between it and hyaluronidase to not end up confused by these terms:

  • Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid (HA). It’s delivered subcutaneously alongside another drug. Once in the tissue, the solution improves its ability to absorb the medicine.
  • Hyalase is an injectable produced in Great Britain that contains 1500 units of hyaluronidase. It’s used as an aid in absorbing and dispersing other subcutaneous medicines, as well as in dissolving dermal fillers.

When To Use Hyaluronidase Injection?

Hyaluronidase is used in cosmetic medicine to reverse the effects of dermal fillers if a patient experiences an unexpected allergic response to their use or isn’t satisfied with the result.

The fact that the majority of fillers contain HA makes Hyalase hyaluronidase-based medicines effective in such cases:

  • Asymmetry as a result of filler injection;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Skin discoloration;
  • Nodules and lumps formation;
  • Swelling and pain that won’t go away within 10 days after a shot;
  • Inappropriate injection technique;
  • Incorrect placement of a filler.

It’s important to note that hyaluronidases also break down the body’s own polysaccharide hyaluronic acid, which can result in skin volume loss and other undesired consequences. Ask your doctor about this and other possible Hyalase side effects.

How To Administer It?

After the dermal filler treatment, it’s important to stay in touch with a doctor to catch the developing complications at an early stage.

Hyalase is administered by a professional dermatologist only, and the procedure is similar to dermal filler application:

  • A patient follows all the preparation requirements before the scheduled appointment;
  • If needed, local anesthesia is applied;
  • A dermatologist introduces the solution into the middle layer of the skin with a fine needle.

The recovery time is minimal. However, swelling may become worse in the first 2 hours before starting to get better.

How Soon Does It Work?

Hyalase begins working immediately, but a person will still need to wait for a few days before swelling and other reactions are reduced. The final result of Hyalase’s action is visible in 2 weeks when the skin returns to its pre-filler state.

Do I Need A Prescription?

Hyalase is a prescription-only medicine. It’s obligatory to consult a healthcare professional about possible benefits, risks, contraindications, and drug interactions before opting for it. After the visit, a doctor will decide whether a patient can use hyaluronidase medications safely.

Hyalase Side Effects

Some of the side effects that may occur after the use of hyaluronidase include:

  • Allergic reactions in different body areas;
  • Injection site reactions;
  • Volume loss;
  • Disrupted hyaluronic acid production;
  • Numbness;
  • Fast heartbeat;
  • Dizziness;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Malaise.

Some of these side effects are usually gone after the body has adjusted to hyaluronidase medicine. However, if they cause too much anxiety in patients, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider about them.

When Hyalase Shouldn’t Be Injected?

People with further conditions shouldn’t be injected with Hyalase:

  • Hypersensitivity to HA, hyaluronidase, and other components of the solution;
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Acute inflammation;
  • Infection.

For more detailed information, please check drug information. Before using Hyalase and other hyaluronidase medicine, tell your doctor about your plans.

In Conclusion

Aside from more conventional use, Hyalese and other hyaluronidase medicines found their place in aesthetic medicine. Their effectiveness in breaking HA down allows doctors to use them to stop the action of a dermal filler in case of adverse reactions and complications.

A patient needs to have a prescription from a doctor to use Hyalase. So it will be wise to take care of it before receiving dermal filler treatment in case something goes not exactly as planned.

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