Industrial hemp is disrupting major industries across the world, from fashion and health to food and construction. All of a sudden, it seems like there’s a hemp product on every shelf throughout all departments. Why are hemp products so prevalent? The short answer is that the Farm Bill, passed in 2018, legalized industrial hemp, thereby legalizing hemp products, including the ever-popular CBD oil.
Hemp’s disruption of major industries might be new today, but hundreds of years ago hemp basically ruled the world. With that in mind, today’s disruption is more like a long-overdue revival. So, what industries are getting disrupted by hemp?
1. The Supplement Industry
Now that industrial hemp is no longer listed as a scheduled substance, it’s legal to extract CBD from that industrial hemp. This is why we’re seeing an influx of supplemental CBD products everywhere, including drug stores and some drive-thru coffee shops.
People are using CBD products as a natural alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. For example, many people use CBD gummies to manage anxiety. Many people want to try natural products before considering a prescription drug.
As more people try CBD, they’re discovering some wonderful benefits. For example, some people who get migraines from taking melatonin find that CBD helps them get better sleep without the side effects.
2. The Fuel Industry
Everyone’s always talking about getting away from fossil fuels and using more environmentally-friendly and sustainable fuel sources. For example, environmental activists want to phase out petroleum and coal and make biodegradable fuels the standard.
Aside from regular gasoline, fuel can be made from a variety of resources. Biodiesel, for example, can be made from corn and soybeans. However, it can also be made from hemp. There’s already plenty of controversy around using corn and soybeans for fuel since they aren’t the most sustainable crops. Hemp solves this dilemma.
If fuel companies started making biodiesel from hemp, there’s a strong chance that more cars would be made with diesel engines. Diesel made from hemp burns much cleaner and is cheaper since hemp is a naturally sustainable crop.
3. The Plastic Industry
The world has a plastic problem and only hemp can save the day. It’s become obvious that humanity can’t live without plastic, so replacing plastic derived from petroleum with biodegradable hemp plastic seems like the best solution.
Today’s World Runs On Plastic
More than 100 years after the first plastic material was invented, it’s almost impossible for anyone to live without plastic. If you live in a house, drive a car, or work in an office, you’re surrounded by plastic in some form. Almost everything in modern society is either made from plastic, has plastic parts, or comes in plastic packaging. There are exceptions, but they are few.
Plastic may have saved the world by facilitating advances in the medical field, but our planet is paying the price for taking things too far. Our oceans, rivers, lakes, and streams are filled with plastic waste, killing marine life and polluting the water.
Tomorrow’s World Will Run On Hemp Plastic
People are still working out the details for mass-producing hemp-based plastic. For now, it’s a grassroots effort spearheaded by various companies across the world. It’s not easy for businesses to source hemp-based plastic without paying a pretty penny. However, once a functional model for mass production exists, more companies will produce hemp plastic, which will increase availability and lower prices.
4. The Textile Industry
Hemp clothing is said to be indestructible, and that’s actually true. Well, you can destroy a piece of hemp clothing if you try hard enough, but it’s not going to deteriorate on its own like a cotton t-shirt with seams that unravel after light use.
Clothing made from hemp is stronger and more durable than the strongest cotton. Despite having a reputation for being rough, hemp clothing can be extremely soft. The key is in the production methods and whether or not the finished garment is 100% hemp or a blend.
Hemp clothing has been used for centuries across the world. For example, hemp was used in Asia as far back as 800 BC. In a time when silk was worn by the rich, hemp was worn by the masses.
Historically, hemp has been used for clothing, bed sheets, blankets, curtains, and just about anything else made out of cotton today.
Will Hemp Save The World? – Maybe
While hemp will save some industries, there are some problems hemp can’t fix. However, hemp will continue to disrupt any industry that needs a sustainable overhaul.
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