Insane Food Design: Chinese Dumpling In The Form Of A Dragon

I love Chinese food as much as anyone else, but what always blows me away about visiting a Chinese restaurant isn’t so much the food itself, but the attention to detail. The tea is always served in those hand-painted dainty teacups, the napkins always look too pretty to use, and don’t even get me started on the fortune cookies. At least that is how it is at my favorite Chinese restaurants here in Atlanta.

When I saw this, I couldn’t stop staring at it. I am blown away that someone could figure out how to do this, and take the time to make it look so perfect. This is a Chinese Jiaozi (pot sticker or dumpling) that someone created in the form of a dragon. They are Chinese New Year Dumplings since 2012 is the year of the dragon.

I searched online to try to find a tutorial for this, but I couldn’t find one. However, even if you knew how to make these, would you want to? Or, maybe the real question is, if you made this dragon, would you actually eat it? I probably wouldn’t. I’d probably slap that puppy in a framed glass box to show off to all my friends. I did find a recipe for how to make Jiaozi. You can get it on Bliss. By the looks of that recipe though, it might be easier to just call your favorite restaurant and get some pot stickers delivered. #justsayin

Insane Food Design Pot Stickers

Insane Food Design Pot Stickers

Insane Food Design Pot Stickers

Insane Food Design Pot Stickers

Insane Food Design Pot Stickers

Insane Food Design Pot Stickers

Insane Food Design Pot Stickers

Via: [Barnorama]