How To Know If Your Loved One Has A Mental Illness And What To Do

Are you concerned that your loved one is experiencing a tough time? Sometimes people experience rough patches in their life that lead them down a rabbit-hole of mental illness. If left undiagnosed and untreated, their state of mind may become toxic to a point where they develop mental illness.

Here are four signs of mental illness to look out for in your family members or friends.

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Signs Of Depression

Depression is the most frequently encountered form of mental illness. Its estimated that more than 350-million people live with depression.

Depression affects clear thinking and leads the affected person down a spiral of negative emotions that they cannot control. Common signs of depression include outburst of crying or weeping, as well as excessive sleeping, and a sense of nihilism or apathy that prevents them from functioning normally.

Anti-Social Behaviour

Does your friend or loved one refuse to go out or mingle with other people? Social anxiety comes from mental illness attributed to feelings of inadequacy. Failure to address anti-social behavior results in a further withdrawal from society and interaction with others.

Eventually, the affected person will withdraw into themselves completely. In this state, they may develop mental health conditions such as agoraphobia, where they feel too anxious to leave the house. Running simple errands is frightening, and they experience feelings of vertigo when leaving their room or home.


Disconnection occurs when a person decides to withdraw from interactions with others. They may feel like no-one wants to hear what they have to say.

Disconnect also happens when people think that others don’t care about how they feel or think. This attitude creates a toxic mental environment where people refuse to speak, even when coerced to do so by people they love. Disconnection leaves people as a former shell of themselves, and they withdraw entirely into their mind.

Apathy Or Nihilism

Apathy and nihilism are toxic states of mind where a person feels that life has no meaning and their thoughts and actions carry no weight. These individuals also prevent themselves from taking part in productive activities that develop their character.

A common theme in nihilism is that people think that nothing they say or do makes any difference in the lives of people around them. They believe that their life serves no purpose. Nihilism exposes people to addictions such as alcoholism or drug abuse. If left untreated, a person experiencing nihilistic tendencies may choose to end their own life because they feel it has no purpose.

Wrapping Ip – Support And Therapy

If you have a friend or family member you think may be suffering from mental illness, speak to them about their state of mind. Mentally ill people often don’t realize they have a problem, they think that the issue is with the world and people around them instead. They usually do not feel worthy of others company and seldom reach out for help.

If you know someone that is exhibiting the signs of mental illness listed above, get in touch with a mental health professional at the Compass Health Center. A therapist can talk to the person in a neutral environment and isolate their symptoms of mental disease. With time, patience, and therapy, it’s possible to cure mental illness and let the individual return to a happy and healthy life.

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