Manhattan Steampunk Apartment Now Up For Grabs!

Diana and I have been talking a lot about our future Bit Rebels office, and we’re always coming up with some really awesome ideas for how we want it to look and feel. Of course, geek will be the main theme of the whole thing, and we wouldn’t want it any other way. After all, we are all about geekiness, and the more the better. Of course we need it to be classy and futuristic in every way. We’ll see where we end up with the design and everything around it, but I am sure we’ll be kickin’ up the inspiration in that pad for sure. Checking out how other offices spawn their creativity and inspiration is one way to go, and there are quite a lot of cool ones out there.

Someone who knows all about geeky interior design is Jeremy Noritz. He bought his Manhattan apartment for $1.3 million back in 2006. He renovated the pad into what you can only call the steampunk lair. It seems though that he’s been living large up in there, and he’s now gotten a little tired of this quite awesomely themed apartment because he recently put it up for sale. So, if you are a true steampunk fan, this is your dream apartment for sure.

You will need quite a large wallet in order to acquire this epic apartment because the price tag is up at $1.7 million today, and if you have that, I am sure it is all yours. You will find pretty much everything steampunk in there, and you can be sure that whenever you have dinner parties or just invite a couple of friends over you will be kickin’ up some major conversation about your interior design. If anything, it is original and personal because I don’t think I have ever seen anything like it before. Would you pay $1.7 million for this pimped out steampunk pad?

Manhattan Steampunk Interior Design Apartment

Manhattan Steampunk Interior Design Apartment

Manhattan Steampunk Interior Design Apartment

Manhattan Steampunk Interior Design Apartment

Manhattan Steampunk Interior Design Apartment