New World Record: World’s Largest Chocolate Bar

As you might have figured out from all the news about it online lately, the Guinness Book of World Record people have been out and about recently, showing up all over the place, confirming new world records for their 2012 edition of the classic book which will be published soon. Just last week I wrote about the guy who snagged the new world record for the man with the most piercings (view at your own risk).

There was another world record set last week which I thought you might like. We’ve written about big candy bars before. As a matter fact, Richard featured the world’s biggest KitKat candy bar back in 2010. It weighed 1.9 kg and contained 45,888 calories. Nom nom. However, this candy bar I’m showing you today puts that one to shame. This giant slab of chocolate goodness you see below weighs 12,000 pounds (5,443.11 kg).

According to the Daily Mail, it contains 1,200 pounds of almonds, 5,500 pounds of sugar, 2,000 pounds of milk powder and 1,400 pounds of chocolate liquor plus a little more for good measure. It’s estimated that they could carve 209,000 standard size candy bars from this Willy Wonka style dream bar. The candy bar creator, World’s Finest Chocolate, insists they made this for a well intended reason. The CEO said, “We purposely made this bar to be an example of portion distortion. We’re committed to educating families about eating right and staying active and doing it in a fun and engaging way.” Hey, if eating right means taking a bite of this thing, I’m all over it.

Guinness Book Of World Records

New World Record Set Candy

New World Record Set Candy

New World Record Set Candy

New World Record Set Candy

New World Record Set Candy

New World Record Set Candy

New World Record Set Candy