We are all just specks of dust in the universe. Does that make our lives insignificant? I believe it doesn’t because even though we are just an itty-bitty piece of the puzzle, we are all connected. Our lives touch the lives of everyone else on this planet, and for that reason, we are very significant as individuals.
If you really want to ponder something to blow your mind, stop and think about the fact that in this moment of time, as we exist in our own little world, there are over 6 billion other people on the planet having their own experience in that same moment. It’s kind of crazy, isn’t it?
This video below, part of the One Day On Earth project, is the trailer for a movie in the making which will include 3,000 hours of footage shot in every country in the world during a 24-hour period. It is in the editing process now. Even just this short trailer illustrates the circle of life. From an environmental perspective, it simply doesn’t make sense to act alone without considering how our actions will affect others in a positive or negative way, even if those people live on the other side of the Earth. You can learn more about One Day on Earth by reading this Fast Company article highlighting the project’s founder, Kyle Ruddick. You can also check out the project on Kickstarter.
Via: [The Is Colossal]