12 Very Strange Photographs Of People Watching Television

If aliens flew over our planet in their spaceships and peeked into our homes when we were watching television, what would they think? I’m sure they would be perplexed when they saw us mindlessly staring at that thing called a TV. They may even think it is another being who has hypnotized us. The thing is, we never get to see what our faces look like when we are zoned out watching television because even if we are sitting in front of a mirror, the moment we are aware of it, we are no longer zoned out if that makes sense.

Photographer Olivier Culmann is apparently fascinated by how people’s appearances change when they zone out in front of the ‘ol telly, and he spent years photographing people that way. His goal was to capture them the moment they slipped into the “watching television zone.”

He traveled all over the world doing this, which sounds like a very interesting job to me. He admits that in some countries it was harder than others. You can read all about his experiences here on Wall Street Journal’s India Real Time. Basically he would sit with people in their homes long enough until they “forgot he was there” and started to act naturally instead of like a host. Sometimes that took a short time, and other times it took all day.

I know some people say watching television is entertaining, but when you look at these pictures, it doesn’t seem entertaining at all. I’m sure it also has a lot to do with what the people are watching too. If it’s an exciting sports event (or an episode of Walking Dead), perhaps their expressions would be different. Either way, these facial expressions of people watching television may look familiar to you…

The Joy Of Watching Television – Or Not











