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First Version of Photoshop

First Version of Photoshop

All designers have one tool in common, Photoshop. No matter what incarnation you are using it still packs a hell of a punch and time saving when worki ...
Coca Cola – Vintage Poster Design

Coca Cola – Vintage Poster Design

Every geeks favorite and desired drink of all time, Coca Cola, has had it's share of ups and downs. Not so many downs except the miss they had with Co ...
Living Tree Chair

Living Tree Chair

So it finally happened! Someone with a lot of patience went and created the first ever living tree chair. With some wire and tons of dedication this g ...
LED Bling

LED Bling

LED scrolling screen as a fashion accessory? Found two cool products that has incorporated led scrolling lights as part of the design. The first ite ...
Cell Phones For The Blind

Cell Phones For The Blind

Everyone with their sight intact has for long enjoyed the magic on any cell phone screen. Even if it was just the orange digits appearing on a device ...
Lego Sunglasses

Lego Sunglasses

Everyone have sometime played with Lego's in their life. Enjoyed the fun and awe of playing architect with a vangence. Yup, some of us still have the ...
The Twitter Calendar – Twitter Goes Analog

The Twitter Calendar – Twitter Goes Analog

Are you a fanatic about Twitter, and what it could do in your business, band or whatever you are using Twitter for? Well, now you have a chance to Tw ...
House On A Swing – Carsickness Assured

House On A Swing – Carsickness Assured

Alright, I have seen a lot of craziness around the web but this one has got to be the most...surprising insaneness out there. A house boat I can under ...
How About A Pixel Couch?

How About A Pixel Couch?

As a designer we always want to make things a little bit extra weird or beautiful right? Well, some people don't stop doing their inner pictures on sc ...
Tech 2 iPhone Stand – Simply Rockin’!

Tech 2 iPhone Stand – Simply Rockin’!

Was looking after something completely different when I stumbled over this little invention. Not yet in production this new second generation iPhone s ...
Keyboard Heaven – The LED In Look

Keyboard Heaven – The LED In Look

Chances are pretty much 1/1 that you probably have one in front of you right now when reading this. We all need one in order to add content to our scr ...
You Bad? – The Coolest Twitter Icons Ever

You Bad? – The Coolest Twitter Icons Ever

You have tattoos. You got a Harley in the garage. You drink Jack Daniels for breakfast. You wear sunglasses in the middle of the night... Well, you ul ...
Fun Gizmos

Fun Gizmos

I love that nowadays nothings stops a person from being creative.  Function vs form was the rule in the olden times, but who says form and function c ...
Ipod Spoof Wallpaper

Ipod Spoof Wallpaper

If you love doing spoofs here is a site where you can not only download iPod spoofs, but you can also send entries and be featured on their site. i ...
Desktop Goodies

Desktop Goodies

Some good finds for the geek at heart. The beauty of the geek experience is that you also have the chance to enjoy neat gadgets. Computer Gear is kn ...
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