Search query: education

The Future Is Near – VR Technologies

The Future Is Near – VR Technologies

When some people say “the future is near,” they really do mean every word of that expression. Why? This is because the world of technology has acceler ...
MondlyWORKS – A Cloud-Based Language Learning Platform For Businesses [Review]

MondlyWORKS – A Cloud-Based Language Learning Platform For Businesses [Review]

Because of the Internet, the geographical boundaries that ones prevented businesses from operating on a global scale has long since disappeared. While ...
Making Technology Work For You As A Student

Making Technology Work For You As A Student

As a student, life can be tough in many ways. While you can enjoy the excitement and thrill of college life and new experiences, you also have to cope ...
When Debt Becomes Overwhelming

When Debt Becomes Overwhelming

When you start a business, and you start it by borrowing money from a creditor, you do so under conditions. These conditions are required by the credi ...
Introducing Automated Webinars

Introducing Automated Webinars

If you imagined running a digital business as in a novel or a movie, time would be one of your main villains. Unbeatable, ruthless, and cold. When you ...
How To Have A Successful & Rewarding Career

How To Have A Successful & Rewarding Career

Working is a big part of your life and takes up a lot of your time and energy overall. It makes sense that you want to be able to not only enjoy your ...
What Are The Common Problems Faced By Accounting Students?

What Are The Common Problems Faced By Accounting Students?

Millions of students are enrolled in the accounting courses each year. The demand for accountants is increasing as well given the increase in number o ...
How Can Online Recruitment Agencies Help Employers?

How Can Online Recruitment Agencies Help Employers?

Employment is one of the major concerns all across the globe. Students spend thousands of bucks on their studies and obtain education loans to meet th ...
How To Become An IT Professional

How To Become An IT Professional

We’re living in the information age. Technology is only getting more powerful over time — and more essential to our personal lives and to our work. Mo ...
5 Ways To Advance Your Career

5 Ways To Advance Your Career

No doubt, the question of ‘how to advance my career’ is one that is commonly asked. Being on top of your career game is an utmost priority after gradu ...
MaRS Discovery District Working With Microsoft To Help Startup Community

MaRS Discovery District Working With Microsoft To Help Startup Community

The MaRS Discovery District is teaming up with Microsoft to help the local startup community in Toronto. The district is a non-profit that aims to sup ...
Artificial Intelligence – A New Gateway For E-Learning System

Artificial Intelligence – A New Gateway For E-Learning System

Futurists dream of a better world, that is technology oriented. Advancement in technology has pampered our life to a much greater extent. Robotics has ...
Greg Orzeck Analyzes Trends Shaping The Medical Technology Industry

Greg Orzeck Analyzes Trends Shaping The Medical Technology Industry

While new and innovative technologies are driving change across all industries, there is arguably no area where the velocity of change is as impactful ...
How To Prevent College Student Substance Abuse?

How To Prevent College Student Substance Abuse?

It may seem unusual, but even today, in this educated age of the internet, drug and alcohol abuse continues to threaten the lives of college students ...
How Stress Can Help Your Productivity At Work

How Stress Can Help Your Productivity At Work

We all know that stress is listed among the main health risk factors together with smoking and alcohol. We consider stress as a really bad thing. We b ...
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