Search query: home business

Geek Chic: The Geekiest Furniture Ever Made

Geek Chic: The Geekiest Furniture Ever Made

I've always kind of wanted to live in Seattle. I've got a friend from the city, and she says that as geek culture's concerned, it's among the central ...
Foursquare: Think Twice Before Cross Posting Every Check-In

Foursquare: Think Twice Before Cross Posting Every Check-In

I'm a big fan of Foursquare, the location-based social media site that allows you to "check-in" to various locations from your smartphone, and have be ...
Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Automated Storytelling: Cavemen Are Rolling In Their Graves

Everyone loves a good story, right? I can't count how many times I've "zoned out" during a presentation of some flavor, and my ears perked up right af ...
8 Diabolical & Devious Tips For Lying Effectively [Chart]

8 Diabolical & Devious Tips For Lying Effectively [Chart]

I guess I'm in a little bit of a devious mood today because writing about how to tell a good lie isn't normally my style. This just caught my eye as s ...
Bit Rebels Halloween Giveaway: Celebrate With Us This Year!

Bit Rebels Halloween Giveaway: Celebrate With Us This Year!

It's that time of year again! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays since it kicks off the whole holiday season full of friends, family and fun. He ...
Beautiful Lingerie Crafted From Aluminum Cans

Beautiful Lingerie Crafted From Aluminum Cans

We've featured a lot of interesting bras and panties on Bit Rebels in the past, and it always surprises me how lingerie inspires some artists. I like ...
The Japanese Sleeping Capsule For Nighttime Workaholics

The Japanese Sleeping Capsule For Nighttime Workaholics

Do you ever work late at your office? I do all the time. Misty and I have joked many times that we've woken up in the middle of the night with keyboar ...
PPC vs. SEO: A Beginner’s Introduction To Both

PPC vs. SEO: A Beginner’s Introduction To Both

One question that people often ask me is, "Which is better, PPC or SEO?" It's interesting because it seems like the majority of people I follow on Twi ...
The Guide To Employee Morale [Humor]

The Guide To Employee Morale [Humor]

I've been reading more and more reports lately that talk about how much Americans don't like their jobs. It's really disturbing, considering how much ...
How Social Media Can Improve Student Grades [Infographic]

How Social Media Can Improve Student Grades [Infographic]

The topic about whether or not it's appropriate for a student and a teacher to be friends on Facebook has been in the news a lot lately. As a matter o ...
Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

Twitter’s 30 Most Eligible Bachelors

We always hear about couples meeting on Facebook. Apparently Facebook is a very handy dating tool, and it seems like every week I read about how that ...
Elegant Gown Created From Recycled Plastic Bottles

Elegant Gown Created From Recycled Plastic Bottles

Back in 2009 when we first started writing about recycled designs, I'll admit that most of them, although they were all fabulous, looked very homemade ...
The Age Of The UnPrinter

The Age Of The UnPrinter

It's amazing how much we depend on our printer these days. It's the backbone of every business. Most of our dealings, business and knowledge were shar ...
The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Taking A Vacation

The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Taking A Vacation

I've owned my own business for over a decade now. I love being an entrepreneur. I've written about it many times on Bit Rebels. At this point, I don't ...
Simpsons Alphabet: Another Reason To Learn Your ABCs

Simpsons Alphabet: Another Reason To Learn Your ABCs

As a kid, going to school is a truly magical experience at first. You can almost not wait to get into all that school business, and get some homework ...
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