Search query: parent

Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]

Top Tech Trends Of 2011: Last Year At A Glance [Infographic]

In 2011, we saw a lot of new trends emerge that implied social media was taking yet another step towards ruling not only the Internet, but also our li ...
Party In A Test Tube: Chemistry Parties Are So Reactive

Party In A Test Tube: Chemistry Parties Are So Reactive

When I was a kid, I wanted a chemistry set. Didn’t we all? Why did I want a chemistry set? It’s not because I wanted to sit placidly in my bedroom, cr ...
Coathangers: Razor Sharp Realistic Coat Hanger Sculptures

Coathangers: Razor Sharp Realistic Coat Hanger Sculptures

The everyday items that we all use sometimes seem dull and ordinary, and the thought that they might one day serve as material for an inspiring art pi ...
Giant Albert Einstein Head Created Using Lego

Giant Albert Einstein Head Created Using Lego

What do you do when you have pretty much built every conceivable Lego build there is that could ever fit within the four walls of your home? Well, you ...
Spectacular Sea Salt Formations From The Lowest Place On Earth

Spectacular Sea Salt Formations From The Lowest Place On Earth

I saw these absolutely stunning natural tapestries on BoingBoing a few days ago, and since I've thought about them several times since then, I wanted ...
The Twitter Environmental Effect: A Unique Doomsday Infographic

The Twitter Environmental Effect: A Unique Doomsday Infographic

Yesterday my son asked me why so many people say the world is about to end. That is a loaded question when you think about it. He even mentioned a dat ...
iPad SlingHolder: When Laziness Goes Too Far

iPad SlingHolder: When Laziness Goes Too Far

When it comes to accessories, no gadgets have become as much of a focal point as the Apple gadgets. The iPad, iPhone and all the other "i" gadgets hav ...
Elephants Play Soccer & Enter Beauty Pageant In Nepal

Elephants Play Soccer & Enter Beauty Pageant In Nepal

Whenever I hear about a festival that celebrates animals, it always pulls at my heartstrings. I love when people find new ways to interact and include ...
Bizarre Beauty: Fake Eyelashes Created From Dead Fly Legs

Bizarre Beauty: Fake Eyelashes Created From Dead Fly Legs

They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but if you ask some artists, it's more like the eyes are a canvas for outrageous art. A few months ago ...
DIY Bumble & Wampa Snow Monster Cupcakes

DIY Bumble & Wampa Snow Monster Cupcakes

Once again, the creative baker and mom behind the blog Sugar Swings, asked a thought provoking question... If a Bumble and a Wampa got in a fight, whi ...
The Geek Version Of The 12 Days Of Christmas

The Geek Version Of The 12 Days Of Christmas

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and best wishes to all the geeks of the world on this magical day where we give thanks, spend time with family and fri ...
Why Facebook Users Add & Remove Friends [Infographic]

Why Facebook Users Add & Remove Friends [Infographic]

I really do not understand why some people get so upset when they are unfriended on Facebook or unfollowed on Twitter. Some people get really broken u ...
If Facebook, Google & More Were Superheroes [Infographic]

If Facebook, Google & More Were Superheroes [Infographic]

We are constantly bombarded with the news of up and coming social networking services or websites that are supposed to make our lives so much easier t ...
Bling From Bugs: Caddisflies Are Natural Designers

Bling From Bugs: Caddisflies Are Natural Designers

Wads of jewels are not my thing. But bugs? When it comes to bugs, I’m all over them. And now they can be all over me - not the bugs themselves, but th ...
Casino iPhone Apps: A Festive Way To Spend Some Downtime

Casino iPhone Apps: A Festive Way To Spend Some Downtime

This is the time of year when more people than ever before will be traveling and taking time off from work. Even people who are certified workaholics ...
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