The Filthiest Tweets On Twitter: State By State [Infographic]

Ever since Twitter first started, the service has been filled with people who want to blast the world with their thoughts. However, sometimes the language is not the most refined, if you know what I mean. There have been plenty of blog posts and articles that slam people who use any of the 7 dirty phrases (famously outlined by comedian George Carlin back in 1972). In a new study, we get to see which states in the U.S. post the filthiest tweets on Twitter.

I have been on Twitter for over 5 years now, and it’s amazing to me how versatile the Twitter platform can be sometimes. It engages people from all over the world, changes lives and even creates job opportunities just out of the mechanics in the site itself. But there is always that one little thing that always sneaks its way into any social media service, and that is of course either porn or people who want to make it sour for other people who enjoy the interaction on Twitter. Usually this comes in the form of filthy tweets, and those tweets have unfortunately made the lives of some people a nightmare (if it’s a problem for you, you can always hit the unfollow button of course).

Those types of tweets of course refer to the words that people with a very limited vocabulary use in order to emphasize their own importance, as my mother used to tell me. Well, while we are talking about the filthiest tweets on Twitter, we might as well have a look at which states in America post the most of them, right? We can do that by consulting an infographic presented to us by The Marketing Robot (design by Wpremote Inc) called The Seven Dirty Words: And The Filthy F#ck?ng Internet.

As you can see, the filthiest tweets per capita in the U.S. originate from…Rhodes Island. That is a surprise, isn’t it? However, not surprisingly, the most tweets originate from California, but the population of California far exceeds any other state in America with its 38,041,430 people. This of course means that the filthiest tweets per capita is lower. If you want to live in a state where things are pretty calm (and inhabits people with a good vocabulary), you should absolutely move to Montana. They hardly send out any of the kind of tweets we are talking about.

Filthiest Tweets On Twitter – State By State

(Click Infographic To Enlarge)


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