Most Efficient Way To Manage Social Media Each Day [Infographic]

Everyone knows that if you’re not willing to work at it, managing a social media presence can be quite tiresome and tedious. Having a full-time job and still being able to handle your social media presence with success is a daunting endeavor. Few people have been able to manage the overlapping processing time, and even fewer have been successful at it. If you don’t have the time to manage your social media presence for 8 hours a day then what is the most efficient way of doing it?

It’s a tough question to answer, and even I can’t answer it sufficiently enough to make a successful endeavor out of it. I personally have trouble coding new features and concepts, writing articles, managing Bit Rebels and then on top of that, having a personal life in between it all. It’s a constant balancing act that sometimes takes its toll, but if there’s a will there’s a way. So let’s ask the question again, what really is the most efficient way to manage your social media presence?

If we are to consult an infographic called How To Quench Your Social Media Thirst In 60 Minutes A Day, presented by Dendrite Park, maybe we could get some guidance about how to approach it all. It’s a rather simple and straightforward infographic that doesn’t include any complicated procedures or secret recipes at all actually. It merely goes into how you can schedule your time in the most efficient way possible if you only have an hour to approach social media management.

We instantly see that content creation and curation is the most important task of all, which takes up a good 30 minutes of the 60 minutes. When it comes to managing your social networking services, we see that we should spend more time on Facebook than on any other social networking service. Is that good or bad? Who knows, I guess it depends on what social network you want to be most present on.

With a bit of prioritizing, we quickly see that this is an individual endeavor that requires testing and careful planning. However, this guide is a good starting point for anyone who wants to achieve the most efficient management of their social media presence, or anyone who only has 60 minutes per day to spend on social media.

Most Efficient Way To Manage Social Media Each Day

(Click Infographic To Enlarge)


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