It’s been a while now since Pinterest became one of the few really popular social networking services. The number of users Pinterest has managed to rake up is a little unclear when you start looking at the statistics. One source says that Pinterest is worth over $2 billion due to its 25 million users, but other sources say that Pinterest only has around 12 million uses and 1.36 million visitors a day. For an accurate Pinterest update, I wouldn’t officially quote either of these sources since they are so far apart.
What can be said about Pinterest is that the home of the mighty pinners is always adding to its user base, and it’s definitely becoming quite a huge influence when it comes to content sharing and the traffic websites derive because of it. The interesting thing about this social networking service is that when you look at this Pinterest update, there are quite a few useful statistics if you want to grow your following quicker than you are already doing.
For example, the most pinned images are definitely pictures from the food & drink category of the web. Interior design, home decor and DIYs are not too far behind with an impressive amount of pins. We only have to look at this Pinterest update briefly to understand that Pinterest is no social networking service to frown upon. Its impressive statistics are more than enough to make any brand or person understand that Pinterest can generate substantial business, traffic and interaction for whomever decides to wield its powers.
A fresh infographic called What Are We Pinning? presented by Search Engine People has statistics that will enable you to take your Pinterest usage to a whole new level. By knowing how and what we pin, you can pinpoint your campaign to a more suitable topic that will make followers aware of you. This Pinterest update could possibly mean a huge break in the constant grinding you are current plowing down into this highly creative social networking service.
You will just have to find better images and videos to pin, that’s all. You can do all that by simply looking at what other people are pinning. Finding fresh stuff is what you should be doing since 80% of Pinterest users only repin what’s already on the service. It’s quite an opening for someone who has the energy to find new and fresh content to pin, don’t you think?
Search Engine People’s Pinterest Update Infographic