I have an odd Pinterest question for you. I love Pinterest, and I’m on there a lot. I haven’t pinned anything for about ten days, but that’s unusual for me. I’m normally on there everyday. I keep a document on my desktop with links to eye-catching pics that I want to pin. I add to that list every day as I randomly see things, so when I’m ready for a relaxing Pinterest Friday night, I can sit down and pin them all at once. I also love repinning. It’s almost as much fun as retweeting on Twitter, don’t you agree?
My question is this… Do you use Pinterest just for the sake of pinning big beautiful pictures or do you actually try the recipes, experiment with the nail art and attempt the hairstyles? I’m kind of in the middle. I’ve tried several things myself, but sometimes I just like how it looks and pin it because I’m a sucker for pretty pictures.
I stumbled across a new website which I just had to share with you today in case you haven’t heard of it. It’s called Pintester, and the tag line is “Fucking up Pinterest pins so you don’t have to.” It was started by romance author Sonja Foust because she noticed that none of the things she tried from Pinterest turned out to look like the picture. Her posts are so freaking funny, and they will have you giggling all day. Ironically, if I could change one thing about that site, it would be the pictures. Her images are very small, which would keep me from sharing them often since I have become an image snob like many people after the birth of Pinterest. Either way, click over to her site for a good time. She is hilarious.
Via: [Laughing Squid]