Real time information is very important nowadays. As you know, majority of people very active online get their info from either FaceBook or Twitter if they require fast and word of mouth recommendations, they rely on the said platforms.
If you choose Twitter as a means to share, then discovering ways on how you can locate those who would be interested in what you have to share is important. Or if you have many followers and would love to share content relevant to them, then you might want to check out Pluggio.
What is Pluggio? – Pluggio is a site that brings together an RSS reader and Twitter into one nice simple, clean interface. It allows the user to instantly post from the feeds to Twitter. It also allows the user to schedule the Tweet for a later time.
The interface is available via 2 ways, one is through a desktop client or through the web. You can download the desktop client here. Just note that before using the desktop version, please use the web version to set-up your Twitter accounts. For some reason this is not working correctly in the desktop version. It is a bug with Twitter itself.
You can also sign up here, if you choose to use the web. It just takes about 30 seconds to sign up. Included the Demo Video below for a quick tour of the tool. Check it out! Pluggio is a great way for you to tweet better.